Monday 5 March 2018

30 Day Referral Challenge - Day 3

This is Day 3 of the 30 Day Referral Challenge - you can find out more here

Welcome to Day 3 of the 30 Day Referral Challenge, and thank you for joining me :)

Referrals can be the life blood of your earnings in 2018.

This 30 Day email course is going to explain and hopefully help you to make the most of referrals this year.

If you've missed any days, they'll be available on the 30 Day Challenge page.

We're going to cover various things, starting with:
  • Writing different types of ads
  • Where to find referrals
  • Using social media to best effect
  • 'Alternative' places to find referrals
  • Keeping your referrals engaged
  • Why referrals don't earn
  • and more!
So, time for Day 3!

Facebook is your friend!

Because most of you found out about this course through Facebook, over the next couple of days we're going to focus on getting referrals through Facebook channels.

I'm going to presume that you've either already posted on your own profile, or don't want to, and move straight on to Facebook referral groups.

There are a lot of referral groups on Facebook, and it can seem like a waste of time posting on them, because so many others are posting the same thing. That's why we focused on writing a great ad in Day 1 :)
Today I want you to join some Facebook referral groups - I'm going to start you off with a few, but a simple search for 'referral' on Facebook should throw up a few more.


Spend some time reading the groups, see what is posted in there - not many referral groups get a lot of responses, but look and see which posts are getting likes, or comments.

Keep track.

One of the most important pieces of advice I can give you is to keep track of things.

I know it's dull, but it really will help later down the line, if you're serious about making referrals work for you.

Start a spreadsheet, open a Word doc, write it ina notepad, whatever works for you. In column 1, write the name of the group. In column 2 copy the ad you're going to post - I know how eager you're going to be so I'd suggest a different ad for each group for now. I give my ads names, and keep them in a Shortkeys file on my laptop - you may have a different approach. Columns 3 onwards will be for you to write in the dates that you posted ads. Bear in mind you may have more than one entry per group, depending on how many ads you have.

Here's what mine looks like (click on the image to make it larger):

Today's homework is boring but essential :)

Home work for Day 3.

  • Start your spreadsheet, Word doc, notepad page or whatever you're going to do to organise your posting
  • Join the 5 groups I've mentioned above
  • Find another 5 to join that I haven't recommended (or you'll all be in the same groups lol)
  • Organise your dates - don't post to the same group more than once a week, and vary your ads if possible.
  • Pop over to our Facebook Group and post if you found Day 3 useful!

Day 4 tomorrow.

Tomorrow we'll look at other types of groups that you'll be able to get referrals from -  post in group if you have any questions, as the answer might help others

Happy Referral gathering everyone

Nikki x

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